Monday, December 06, 2004


Amazing love, how can it be.
That you my King would die for me?
Amazing love, I know it's true,
It's my joy to honor you.

In all I do, I honor you.

Amazing love, how can it be that you have taken this broken, evil man and continue to mold me into the person I was meant to be. Taking my deficiencies and failures and yet somehow giving me success as I strive throughout my life to move closer to you.

How can it be that you have begun the process of making me new. I am morally corrupt, selfish and rough. You do not give up on me.

How can it be that you are reforming my heart to feel more compassion and mercy for others. To take others into account of my actions and thoughts. My spirit is hard. My conscience, stubborn. Yet you have decided to transform me, though it take a lifetime.

Amazing love, how can it be that you have taken this self-centered, immoral man, bent on his own needs, desires and gratifications and given him the love of a wonderful woman. A woman who builds me up, makes me better and loves me, warts and all. A woman who daily reminds me of your grace, your love.

How can it be, that I am father to the most beautiful boys I have ever seen. Boys who are warm, affectionate, smart, clever and funny. How can it be that you would take me from a broken, dysfunctional home and created for me a new home and family of my own. A mere reflection of what my heavenly home is like.

Amazing love, how can it be you have taken me through times in my life that were so dark and painful. Times of despair. Times when I was so hopeless I thought I was better off dead. Yet you walked with me. You carried me. Your voice was with me, sustaining me, even when I couldn't hear you.

Lord, I offer you my life. To honor you in all that I do. My work, my family, all I give to you, for you gave everything for me.

As I revel in this Christmas season I am reminded that His birth is the beginning of my rebirth.

I wish we could all sit around together over a cup of coffee. Be well. Peace.


At 12/07/2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You wrote: "I wish we could all sit around together over a cup of coffee." I think we just did. :)

At 12/09/2004, Blogger Tenax said...


this is beautiful devotion. For some reason, I think of the novel Till We Have Faces, the long haul change the god works in Orual.

Merry Christmas Mike, to you and yours.


At 12/21/2004, Blogger scooter said...

To say I'm deeply moved by this is an understatement. This should be in some kind of evangelical Book of Common Prayer.


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