Friday, July 08, 2005

Of Bombs and Britain

So I've had over a day to percolate on the tragic events unfolding in London. The complete premeditation and brutality of it all shakes me to my core and gives me chills of the morning almost four years ago when commercial airliners were turned into guided missiles in the hands of fanatical beasts. Be strong Britain, America stands with you.

We need to pray for our trans-Atlantic cousins and their leaders who so faithfully stood by us in the wake of 9/11. Tony Blair is a good leader, perhaps even a good man. A good little socialist. I like Tony Blair so much I wish Colin Powell were president, John McCain vice president and Tony Blair, secretary of State. But I digress.

Blair's inspiring words and encouragement to Londoners and Brits in general only confirm his qualities as a leader. Though he supported the war in Iraq, which is my reason for writing.

Now matter how inspiring Blair is, no matter how he or Bush frame the attacks, ultimately this was retribution for Britain's part in the Iraq war. Blood for blood. I'm not condoning the acts of terrorism, I'm just putting them in their proper context.

The U.K. and Blair are the biggest Western proponents of resolving the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. This makes sense, since they created it. Balfour Declaration anyone???

Anyhizzle, it goes against all logic(yes, I know terrorists are not logical people) that with Britain's ardent support for peace in the Middle East that it should be attacked so brutally and the blood of innocents spilled. Therefore, the reason for this barbarism can only be their support of the Iraq war.

What is my point? The events you see at Kings Cross or elsewhere in London may be coming to an American subway system near you soon. If al Qaeda strikes this way at the number two offender just think of what they have in store for the 'Great Satan' that is George Bush's America. Yes, it is one of those posts. Sorry Ian, you might want to stop reading now.

When American civilians are murdered again in the name of terrorism, our Chief Executive will be partly responsible. He invaded Iraq, he has blood on his hands and in the unbalanced mind of terrorists, so do the people who tolerate his rule. It is a concept known as total war. No one is spared. Everyone is considered a legitimate target and all will pay in one way or another. Everyone that is except for George Walker Bush and his puppet master Dick Cheney. They'll be safely tucked away somewhere when the next wave of terror comes to the homeland. Safe so that when the dust settles whoever survives can be honored with the enlightened benevolence of their leadership.

Not until the core issues that create terrorism are dealt with will terrorism itself become an unattractive option. If we continue to invade Muslim nations we are only confirming everything Osama is saying about us and giving him one hell of a recruitment tool. And that is what kills me the most. Tony Blair tirelessly urges George Bush to do something about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. And what does he get in return?

Practically nothing.

As a demonstraion of his committment to fighting terrorism Blair joined the 'coalition' that invaded Iraq, with the understanding that Bush would do something about Israel. What is Blair and Britain's return on their investment? Over 50 dead civilians and 700 wounded on their way to work on a Friday morning.

George Bush is the one person who could play a significant role in resolving one of the core issues in the Middle East and really claim victory in the war on terror. That issue is the Isreali/Palestinian conflict. He does nothing because he is Ariel Sharon's stooge. He does nothing just like he does nothing about global warming while the sky falls in on us. In order for Bush to actually do something about the one issue that inflames most Muslims in the region, he would need to actually be intelligent, insightful, wise and possess the ability to listen to others and think they might know more than he does. But he is none of these things. His short sightedness has only detracted from the real War on Terror and resulted in the death of thousands of Iraqi civilians, put the lives of American civilians in jeopardy and left a friend and ally with nothing to show for thier faith in him except for blown up subways and shattered lives.

This morning, Londoners emerged from their homes and rather than shrink in fear, went to work. Sixty five years ago Hitler bombed London day and night for a year, forcing citizens to sleep in subways. Today, terrorists saw Londoners back in the very subways they bombed. Twice terror has struck this brave city and both times Brits have gone underground to stand their ground against tyranny. Now that Mr. Bush is resolve.

Be well all.


At 7/09/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinda makes you think

At 7/09/2005, Blogger FunKiller said...

Hugh, interesting, but I have never followed the path of assuming the government is one conspiracy after another as the author of the article does. When you ask 'Who benefits?', the answer is simple, al Qaeda benefits. The author of the article is right on at least one thing, the bombings will perpetuate George Bush's war, and that is exactly what Osama and company want. They want a clash of civilizations and they know Bush will give them one by doing what he is doing and being who he is. That is why Osama released that video four days before the election, not to hurt Bush but to help him. His reelection ensured terrorists would have plenty of fodder to recruit and poison minds.
Because an organization smart enough to pull off 9/11 is smart enough to follow an American election well enough to know that fear benefits Bush, not Kerry. If he could have Osama bin Laden would have voted for Bush. Sorry, I just don't buy what the author was selling, it just seems like another liberal trap in logic.

At 7/11/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're right. I thought it stunk a little too much of conspiracy theory. Just passed it along because theories like these wouldn't suprise me at this point. Plus, I was told if I didn't forward it to 10 people, the black helicopters would come get me. Hugh


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