Monday, March 28, 2005

And Justice For All

What exactly is injustice?

Is it when the guy in front of you in the Express lane sneaks in a 13th item instead of the regulated 12?

Or perhaps it is when you judiciously insert the appropriate coinge into a vending machine only to find the must have bag of Cool Ranch Doritos get stuck on the way down?

Maybe you are like me and you see injustice in the person speeding past you on the freeway and you think "If that were me, I'd have a ticket by now"?

I'm afraid Scripture defines injustice differently. I recently heard someone speak from an organization that is actually doing something about injustice in the world. You know, the real, oppressive stuff that Jesus talked about. It was humbling to hear about what some people are doing to bring mercy and justice to those who have never known it.

Please follow the link below. Pray for the people involved in this work. Give them money if you can. Most of all pray that God would move his people to work to bring mercy and justice to the world.

Peace ang love to all.


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