Thursday, May 11, 2006

Mother's Day

My Love,

It is my sincerest hope that I demonstrate to you every day how much I value, appreciate and admire your mothering our children. I cannot imagine raising two children with any other person. Your innate skill at shepharding our children, our family never stops amazing me. While I'm still trying to figure out the basics, you seem to be writing the advanced users manual of parenting. I'm so glad we have you.

I want to thank you for all that your very presence means to this family. It is no exaggeration when I say that the three of us would be lost without you. Thank you for giving me two of the most brilliant children on the face of this earth. Everything that is good about them comes from you. From Dominic's creativity, love of reading and strong will to Aidan's love of cuddling, sensitivty and independance. They have you to thank for all these wonderful attributes.

But it is not just them that you have to parent at times.

Sadly, I still have so much growing up to do myself, that you are saddled with finishing the job that I have never completed. Thank you for being patient with me.

Though at times you may feel as though you are failing, be assured that nothing could be further from the truth. I have seen motherhood fail, you my dear are the polar opposite. When I consider certain circumstances and weigh your reactions to mine and see the instictive skill you possess as a parent. . .it is humbling. You make me want to be a better father for the sakle of our boys.

In my heart, 'thank you' is not enough, but it is a start. We have a lifetime left for me to show you how truly great a mom you are and for you to see you are making two fine young men by being the best mom they could ever hope for.

Happy Mother's Day.


At 5/15/2006, Blogger Tenax said...

This is beautiful, bro; the words of a true man.



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