If you voted for George W. Bush do not read this post. The content of this message is not directed at you, I just need to get this out so that I can survive the next four years.
I'm afraid of George Bush.
I'm afraid of a nation that has given this man a wholesale endorsement of his past and future actions.
I'm afraid of a Democratic party that is so out of touch with the average American's values.
I'm afraid of another four years under the 43rd Reich.
The results of the election were dissapointing to me to say the least. I just can't believe that not only has Bush been re-elected but the American people have given substantial majorities in both houses of Congress to the Republican party. Think about it. Our system of government is based on checks and balances. That no longer exists. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches(thanks to Presidential appointments) are now under the control of one party and virtually one man.
I'm afraid of what George Bush spending his new "political capital" will cost me. What will it cost American workers? How about the elderly or the infirmed? The environement?
I'm afraid of a man that took this nation to war without listening to reason. As I have mentioned before, he never speaks of the now 11,000 dead Iraqi civilians. He diminishes the tragedy of their death by never even speaking of it. And we have collectively said that this behavior of his is acceptable by renewing his contract. What does that say about us?
I'm afraid of how he views his power. In an article in the L.A. Times today he was quoted as saying:
"When you win, there is a feeling that the people have spoken and embraced your point of view, and that's what I intend to tell the Congress."
I would be equally afraid of a Democrat who said this, but Bush did and given his history, there is cause for alarm. This man intends on force feeding his agenda on the entire nation. Open up and say ahh.
He has clearly stated that he intends to halve the deficit. How? With more tax cuts for job exporting corporations, how will this be accomplished. Simple, the Republican politicians learned in the 80's that it is unpopular to cut programs. So what the party leadership does is cut taxes first. When revenue dries up, then they cry out about there not being enough money and then programs get cut because it is 'prudent'. Beware of falling funding for education, the EPA and science programs.
His actions will adversely affect teachers, the elderly, students, people who like clean drinking water and many others. And we have allowed him and his partners in crime to do it.
I'm afraid of the Republican party leadership who helped Senator-elect DeMint in South Carolina into office. This guy has actually said that he doesn't think single mothers should be teaching in the classroom. What kind of mentality is this? Where the hell is our country going?
I'm afraid that George Bush is giving Christians a bad name. His advertising his faith is welcomed. The association that average people make between his faith and his behavior is troubling.
I know what my Christian brothers and sisters will say. God establishes the powers on Earth and He is in control. You're right. I agree with you. Its just sometimes I want to bang my head against the wall trying to figure out where it is all going and why. Anybody got a verse that can help me understand why I should keep voting ? I could use it.
Most of all I'm afraid for myself. I no longer know where I fit in the American political landscape. I used to think there was such a thing as bipartisanship. I believed there was such a thing as a moderate. I hoped there was still room for reason in politics. I just don't know anymore.
Peace to all.