Saturday, August 13, 2005

He's at it Again

Can you hear the drums beating?

In a stern warning to Iran, President Bush said “all options are on the table” if the Iranians refuse to comply with international demands to halt their nuclear program, pointedly noting he has already used force to protect U.S. security.

Bush’s statement during an interview on Israeli TV late Friday was unusually harsh. He previously said diplomacy should be used to persuade Iran to suspend its nuclear program and if that failed then the U.N. Security Council should impose sanctions.

The U.S. government and others fear Iran’s nuclear work is secretly designed to produce nuclear weapons. Iran’s leaders deny that, saying it is only for the generation of electricity.

In the interview, Bush said the United States and Israel “are united in our objective to make sure that Iran does not have a weapon.”

But, he said, if diplomacy fails “all options are on the table.”

“The use of force is the last option for any president. You know, we’ve used force in the recent past to secure our country,” he said.

Can you believe this?!

We should not be surprised though. His re-election convinced this man that he is right for America, that America is behind him. You see, it only takes 51% to assure this man that all of America supports his misdirected, shortshighted, ignorant and narrowminded foreign policy.

If you voted for George W. Bush, this is what you voted for. An unrelenting series of confrontations, ultimatums, bypassing of international law and war. Never mind strengthening our borders, protecting our ports or re-enforcing our alliances. No, lets just say very similar things that we said before we invaded the last Muslim country we invaded. If they don't understand resolve, screw em'.

His public proclamations of his Christianity should make all believers shutter when he says things like this. Again, what is the message that is conveyed? A publicly confessing American president who says things like this? This guy is making a living out of war and many Christians support him. Do you have any idea what that does to our credibility?

He has not fulfilled his promise to Afghanistan. Hamid Karzai remains embattled in his efforts to reshape his country because George Bush abandoned him for an unneccessary war in Iraq.

Iraq's future remains uncertain because this man did not have the wisdom to committ enough troops to the effort once he undertook the whole erroneous endeavor.

Hundreds of non Mexican illegal immigrants have streamed over the Mexican border into the U.S. possibly with terrorist ties because your president has ignored the border issue because he is preoccupied and has a short attention span to begin with.

And now, he says things like this about Iran. He does not understand the implications of what a use of force against Iran could do. Many Americans don't either and may not care. He does not understand because he is convinced he is right in all that he says and does. This conviction that he holds was substantiated by his re-relection.

This is what you voted for.

May God help America.


At 8/14/2005, Blogger Tenax said...


Your anger comes through.

I heard the same comments, and was also shocked; then shocked again when I think of my 13 year old son. The thing I keep wondering about is gas prices: okay, we use way too much in our SUV's and world demand is increasing, but is it not possible that middle eastern countries will flex their own power through oil price hikes, are not already doing some of this? It happened in the 70's. And then what? We invade every country to try and make them export oil at a price we like?

I don't think so. But I wouldn't be surprised, and I wish I knew, truthfully, if the recent oil hikes are in part related to our recent actions in the middle east.

It seems like it would take a lot for Bush to actually invade Iran, try to overthrow it. A missile strike? Jeez, scary thought, but maybe. But he must know that invading Iran would be incredibly ugly, so I hope this is more threat than policy planning.

Of cousrse, we have to trust the wmd intelligence once again.

Should we invade over this issue, or bomb the site from far off? I really don't know what Iran wants; probably nuclear parity with Israel. It's odd that we have so many nuclear weapons and we don't want anyone else to develop them but we won't get rid of ours (I'd just as soon have none on the planet, but that will likely never happen).

How to manage all these emerging nuclear powers? It's beyond me. Scary times.

But I agree, to make such a threat publicly in defiance of any international consensus or cooperation...geez, not wise.


At 8/15/2005, Blogger FunKiller said...

T, thanks for the comment.

My anger is born out of a feeling of helplessness and the apparent apathy of many people that I'm surrounded by.

I think you are on to something with the oil connection. India and China are the two biggest reasons for the rise in crude prices, for sure. However, Iran's biggest power isn't nuclear it is petroleum. They have already hinted at possibly using their pumping power to 'persuade' the international community.

What does Iran want? I honestly believe they, at least the radical religious leaders, want a nuclear weapon. Will they use it? I don't know. Not on the U.S. anyway. They may be content to threaten Israel and illicitly sell nuclear material on the black market. Iran is already 'hosting' nearly 100 Al Queda members, including o ne of Osama's sons, under house arrest.

Bush does not understand how ugly invading or airstrikes against Iran would be. He understands very little. He obviously did not understand the Iraq situation before going in.

Scary. Good thing our president isn't scared, he's resolute.


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