Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Putting Myself Out There

Reading Troy's recent post about his resume woes made me think about my own situation. After all, it really is all about me, right? You know I jest.

Actually, this week and next I am sending out resumes of my own. I'm applying online wherever possible, sending transcripts and letters of recommendation all in the hopes of getting a job. There is nothing wrong with my current job, though I do feel restless, overworked and increasingly burdened with administrivia.

All my efforts have one goal: to move out of the L.A. area and relocate to the Pacific Northwest. I have no idea if it will ever happen. But as I have posted before, I'm finally at a point where I can say goodbye to this place if that is God's desire. The application process is very unnerving. Re-evaluating my resume, writing cover letters, pouring over professional development stuff. All trying to sell myself as a good potential employee. Would I hire me? Yeah, I think so. It just seems weird to voluntarily make myself vulnerable to blatant rejection. And yet there is something regenerative about looking back at yourself professionally and seeing growth.

I don't know if school districts in the PNW would actually hire a teacher coming from the nation's most culturally diverse school district. I don't know if I'm young enough anymore to seem appealing to employment selection committees. I'm tenured, I'm secure, I'm chair of my department and really quite comfortable. Do I really need the all this stress that I'm putting myself through? Yes.

If I don't do this, I will always wonder what if. If it does not happen this year by late June, then my wife and I will take out a big freaking loan, add a second floor to our house here and start looking at buying a house to retire in in the PNW. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Be well all.


At 2/23/2005, Blogger KMJ said...

We're praying that your resume lands in open and appreciative hands right up here!!! But if you should happen to have to add a second floor...I'll pray even harder for you then. :)

At 2/27/2005, Blogger Tenax said...


thanks for pointing out my corner of the blogsphere. I love what you say about opening yourself up to blatant rejection, or something close.

That is what a job search feels like.

But you know, there are many levels...you might get an interview but no second interview, a second interview but not the job...and each time you interact with an employer you grow. It's a process, and someplace at the end of it all is a job with your name on it.

I've never seen a school which doesn't like experience with diversity; most of the white bread districts either think they are diverse because they have a small percentage of non-white kids, or they see it coming and want experience. I don't think that will hurt you.

And you look young! That will help. I'd even add hip, which will also help.

I hope you can handle the rain up there, but everyone else seems to be doing okay.

Best of luck. My gut feeling is you'll get what you want in time (sounds as vague as psychic hotline); based on our interaction together, I think you'll interview well.

Keep us posted.



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