Don't You Get it Dad?
Alright, so I'm up working. Trying to put together this AP World history class that I'm convinced I'm not qualified to teach. I'm listening to the Killers and it is driving me crazy trying to figure out what 80's band they remind me of (any ideas Scott??).
Screams erupt from the boys room. It is our 18 month old. I walk in because my wife has already gone to bed and her fibro has been really bad this week and I don't want her to get up. I pick up the baby, who is getting heavier by the nano-second, and try to console him. No luck.
I grab his blankey and walk him into the living room because I don't want his crying to wake my oldest because then I will have to sit through a 15 minute nonstop diatribe on the virtues of Pokemon and how Blazikan is much more powerful than Pidgeot. Don't get me started.
So me and the baby. I'm holding him, walking with him, speaking in soothing tones. Nothing.
I go to the kitchen and offer him juice. Nothing.
Back to the living room. He's still bothered by something.
I change his diaper. Nothing. Crying continues.
More walking, pacing, rocking. Nothing.
After I don't know how long, I figure he's alright but for whatever reason he's going to passively cry for awhile. Like a good father I put him down on the bean bag and turn on the T.V. and go back to work.
Less than two minutes later, he walks over and pats me on the knee and says "cup"! He then proceeds to walk into the kitchen and start yanking on the refrigerator door. To this he adds the plaintiff wail "mil, mil". It finally registers that he wants a cup of milk. I oblige him. We sit down together on the couch and watch how the Gaza pullout is going.
Once he downs the the cup of "mil", he grabs his blanket and shoves his thimb in his mouth, rolls neatly down the couch, looks at me and says "nigh, nigh". and walks into his room and waits for me in front of the crib. Getting the message I pick him up, and glide him into place where he immediately rolls over on his side, eyes closed, thumb still in mouth and blanket desperately clutched to the side of his face in true Linus fashion.
There is still so much I just don't understand.
Good night all.
hey, i got your comment on my site about the fibromyalgia. the place to check out is called the bridge recovery center(
i went back in march and it has really changed my life. the place is very small and has a family atmosphere...everyone is there to help you get better. the price tag in a little daunting, but it is well worth it. if you contact the director, daren, ask him to put you in touch with a woman named jeri (he has her personal info). she was in my group and has even done some interviews on how the bridge helped her fibro. best of luck and feel free to ask any questions, etc - i would be happy to help.
I read this post and want to quite complaining. Children, small children, are so much work, and then with your wife suffering and school hanging over you also...I feel like I don't have enough time for myself as it is and I have more than most people.
Maybe I need it.
Babies are wonderful; I love my own nephew very much.
Good luck with the AP kids; you already know more than any teacher I had at your school; your blog shows me that.
Such a sweet post! The fact that you are there, comforting and soothing him, whether or not you know what the problem is right away is a wonderful thing. Touching... :) P.S. Send my love and prayers to Mrs. Funkiller, if you please.
Can't wait to meet that little guy. See you Sunday night. Oh, did I mention that I'm allergic to wheat flour and Andy can't have tomatoes?
Hey Funkillers,
We don't have your phone number with us but we'd like to take you up on your offer for the last two nights of our trip. Could we crash at your place Sat. and Sun. nights? We don't need much; a little floor space and access to a bathroom perhaps. Oh, and some of those yummy creampuffs from trader joes. Thanks! Let us know if this will work for you. -Andy
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