The Insanity Plan
It is called the Insanity Plan because that is just what it is.
For those of you who read this humble blog with some regularity, you may recall that we have wanted to leave L.A. for some time and move to the Vancouver area.
Those desires have only increased with time. Especially since our return from our vacation last month.
The Insanity Plan calls for us just packing up and leaving. Moving. No jobs, just leaving.
Don't get me wrong, I have applied to a number of districts in the area and it seems once I get up there I may not have a problem getting steady work as a substitute teacher if I do not land a full time job before the next school year begins.
We would make an absurd amount of money from the sale of our house. Somewhere in the neighborhood of four years pay. Clear profit.
This whole thing is insane because I would be leaving a tenured position at one of our better high schools where I am department chair and occassionally receive some of the benefits that come with all of the above.
If we moved, we would have no jobs, though my wife and I have decided that if we did move, she would stay home for at least a year with the kids and use the time to get her fibro under control.
No health insurance (we would have to purchase our own if I did not get a job by next fall).
I would be only giving one month's notice.
I have a bit of a reputation with my students that I would miss.
I would be losing the retirement time I have built up with the state retiremnt program. Washington's benefits are only half of what California's is.
In essence, I would be starting over. As if I was a twenty something new teacher. Only I'm 36, have a wife, two kids and a mortgage.
And yet, I can't help thinking getting out of L.A. under almost any circumstances might be good for my family in the long run.
I'm especially motivated by the prospect of my wife getting healthier, for she has been steadily going downhill for the past two years.
When I think of leaving, after I get past the mourning, I actually get a little excited that I would also be leaving behind all the B.S. that exists at my school. True, I would be trading it for new B.S. at another school. But at least it would be new B.S.
It is ugly here. It is pretty there.
Aside from my family and my job, I'm not really attached to anything here. My family is transportable.
And this reallt seems to be the year to fish or cut bait. With the housing market slowing and fuel prices going up, my real estate friends tell me that my house will never be worth this much again anytime soon. This seems to be the year that if it is going to happen, itneeds to because time is not on our side.
I can't recall anything recently that I have been this torn up about.
The adventurer in me says go.
The kid in me who grew up on welfare says "you idiot, you don't leave one job unless you already have another one to replace it."
My wife has had her bags packed for years.
Please pray for us.
Peace and good health to all.