Putting Myself Out There
Reading Troy's recent post about his resume woes made me think about my own situation. After all, it really is all about me, right? You know I jest.
Actually, this week and next I am sending out resumes of my own. I'm applying online wherever possible, sending transcripts and letters of recommendation all in the hopes of getting a job. There is nothing wrong with my current job, though I do feel restless, overworked and increasingly burdened with administrivia.
All my efforts have one goal: to move out of the L.A. area and relocate to the Pacific Northwest. I have no idea if it will ever happen. But as I have posted before, I'm finally at a point where I can say goodbye to this place if that is God's desire. The application process is very unnerving. Re-evaluating my resume, writing cover letters, pouring over professional development stuff. All trying to sell myself as a good potential employee. Would I hire me? Yeah, I think so. It just seems weird to voluntarily make myself vulnerable to blatant rejection. And yet there is something regenerative about looking back at yourself professionally and seeing growth.
I don't know if school districts in the PNW would actually hire a teacher coming from the nation's most culturally diverse school district. I don't know if I'm young enough anymore to seem appealing to employment selection committees. I'm tenured, I'm secure, I'm chair of my department and really quite comfortable. Do I really need the all this stress that I'm putting myself through? Yes.
If I don't do this, I will always wonder what if. If it does not happen this year by late June, then my wife and I will take out a big freaking loan, add a second floor to our house here and start looking at buying a house to retire in in the PNW. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Be well all.